Bud is a full-stack framework that helps you build web applications faster. You can think of Bud as the Ruby on Rails for the Go ecosystem.

Why Bud?

Tired of being overwhelmed by a sea of configuration files? Feel that more and more of your job has become making your tools play nicely with each other? Building websites has become far too complicated. What used to be doable by a solo developer now takes a team.

Bud’s mission is to reduce the cost of building, launching and maintaining rich web applications.

We reduce the cost by providing a cohesive, documented and well-tested set of building blocks that every serious website needs.

Installing Bud

Bud ships as a single binary that runs on Linux and Mac. You can follow along for Windows support in this issue.

The easiest way to get started is by copying and pasting the command below in your terminal:

$ curl -sf <https://raw.githubusercontent.com/livebud/bud/main/install.sh> | sh

This script will download the right binary for your operating system and move the binary to the right location in your $PATH.

Confirm that you've installed Bud by typing bud in your terminal.

bud -h

You should see the following:

    bud [flags] [command]

  -C, --chdir  Change the working directory

  build    build the production server
  create   create a new project
  run      run the development server
  tool     extra tools
  version  Show package versions

Your First Project

With bud installed, you can now scaffold a new project:

$ bud create hello
$ cd hello

The create command will scaffold everything you need to get started with bud.

$ ls
go.mod  node_modules/  package-lock.json  package.json